B 51 - Extension between the Bitburg-Airfield junction and T+R facility Meilbrück

Between the Bitburg-Airfield junction and the Meilbrück T+R facility, the B 51 is to be widened to 3 lanes in conjunction with a gradient improvement (sight distances). As part of the expansion planning, the Bitburg-Airfield junction will be redesigned in accordance with the requirements of the current guidelines. A green bridge will be built and a new main service road parallel to the route will be constructed as part of a large-scale road concept for agricultural traffic. The measure includes 5 crossing structures and 2 junctions.

Construction length: 5.3 km


  • Roads


GRE German Rail Engineering GmbH


Public mobility office Rheinland-Pfalz Gerolstein


From 2018 to 2023


Bitburg (Rhineland-Palatinate), Germany

Project Activities

  • As-built analysis of route and junction
  • Project planning traffic facilities, HOAI Lph 1-5
  • Project planning drainage, HOAI Lph 1-5