A 59 - 6-lane extension AD St. Augustin-West to T+R facility Liburer Heide
The section of the A 59 between the Cologne-Porz interchange and the Bonn-Ost interchange has very heavy traffic (DTV2025 = 121,500 vehicles/24h). The currently existing 2 or in some cases 3 lanes per direction and the lack of hard shoulders in some sections represent a considerable performance and traffic safety deficit.
The planning includes the continuous 6-lane expansion of the section between the St. Augustin-West interchange and the Liburer Heide T+R facility. Extensive noise protection facilities have to be erected because of the development close to the motorway on both sides. The measure includes 12 intersections and 3 junctions that must be newly constructed or adapted to the planned cross-section. Furthermore, several infiltration and separation basins will be constructed as part of the restructuring of the surface drainage system.
Construction length: 5.5 km
- Roads
GRE German Rail Engineering GmbH
Nordrhein-Westfalen Regional Road Construction Office Rhein-Berg, Branch office Köln
From 2014 to 2020
Rhein-Sieg-Kreis (North Rhine-Westphalia), Germany
Project Activities
- Variant investigation for up to 9 variants, HOAI Lph 1-2
- Capacity calculations according to HBS
- Acoustic preliminary investigations and preliminary planning of noise protection facilities
- Preparation of a signage concept and detailed plans of the information boards
- Drainage engineering preliminary investigations of drainage facilities
- Preliminary investigation of traffic routing during construction